
    The creation of the web site is co-funded with the assistance of the Operational Program “Competitiveness and Cohesion” of the European Regional Development Fund. Learn more

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Join us while we explore a world of flavours.

Za internet trgovinu klinite link -> vape shoptrgovina elektronskim cigaretama

…enjoy the


Journey Private Reserve Jinx


Journey is the first line of products we officially offered to the market back in 2016. It contains several sub-lines like Journey classic series – old school products we developed in our “underground” phase and “Journey black line” series – latest modern recipes mixed to perfection. Take a break, enjoy the Journey!

SHAKE Popcorn


SHAKE is the second product line we introduced first time in 2017. Since Journey products were developed in a time when MTL tanks were used and with the increased popularity of DL tanks, we created special product line – SHAKE – which is suitable for DL usage and doesn’t require steeping time. So – Don`t steep, just SHAKE!


OEM flavor development

Not only “bottle fillers” but recipe creators. Many partners and vape communities recognized us as mixologists because of our famous Journey and SHAKE recipes. Because of that, we are doing OEM manufacturing for almost all major vape shops in Croatia and several vape communities like Vape Strada.

What are

our advantages?

Hobby and passion, not ``just work``

A hobby which trasformed into a passion to see how crazy, wild and true to life taste mixes we can make. Did you ever try to imagine the colour no one ever saw? Well, we try to find flavour no one ever tried!

Years of experience

Trough the years we gained a lot of experience when it comes to matching and developing flavours. We also developed our recognisable style which is recognised by our customers.

Our ``Journey`` standard

In the very beginning, we decided to set up strict rules about how our products will be made:
– Detailed research and development of every mix (with blind tests);
– no mediocre “its ok” mixes – only best and highest graded (4.5 to 5) ones pass to production;
– no chemical taste or aftertaste;
– no additives in a recipe (mixes);
– 10% flavour max;
– pick the best flavour that matches mix – not flavour from the same manufacturer;
– no cheap “one flavour + sweetener + cooling” mixes.

No ``Fire and Forget`` sale tactics

We care about our partners and our customers. Our goal is not “just to sell no matter what”. We consider our goods sold not when we sell products to our partner but when he sold it to end customer, even more – when those customers return and buy again! Then we can say “mission accomplished”. We are looking for life long business partners, not a one-time sale, and to show we mean our business we can approve a few benefits for new partners like:
– payment delay
– sale test period
– marketing support Why do we do that?
Because we belive in our products!

Every Journey is different, we all choose our own paths.
Our Vision and Mission

Our vision

To create a unique universal e-liquid recipe that will be accepted by everyone no matter which type of e liquids they prefer

Our mission

To achieve world wide recognition with our main brands Journey, SHAKE and Wildbury by developing new unique recipes using highest grade food and pharmaceutical components.

AEON timeline


Official beginning

AEON Ltd. is established officially in 2016. Before that, we were recognised as underground (unofficial) mixers. During that period (from 2014 to 2016) most of our Journey classic mixes were developed. When we realised the popularity of our mixes we decided to form the company.


Local market expansion

Journey appeared on the market for the first time at the end of 2016 as last (eight) manufacturer in Croatia. In just a six months Journey was available in every major vape shop in Croatia gaining popularity among a wide range of customers. In this period we also participated in the biggest “blind test” which lead to cooperation and release of “Vaperska Škvadra” mixes.

By the end of 2017, we released SHAKE product line.


Most popular brand in Croatia

By the end of 2017, we did market research to check our market position and brand recognition among a population of 3000 customers. Journey was the third most recognisable brand in Croatia, with one important thing – Brand 1 was on the market for six years and Brand 2 for four years.

The beginning of 2018 was marked with the release of the first Journey “black series” superpremium recipe – berliner which became an instant hit.

We continued cooperation with “Vaperska Škvadra” and started similar cooperation with Slovenia vape shop “VapeMania”. We released few new recipes including Wildbury product line.

At end of 2018, we started cooperation with huge 25 k members FB community – Vape Strada. Creating and releasing a new product line with their name – STRADA.

By the very end of 2018, after another market research, we were proud to see that our AEON brands Journey, SHAKE and Wildbury have the highest share on the Croatian market.


World wide expansion

Our products line are already available in several countries outside Croatia: Slovenia, Bulgaria, Irelan, France. Our main goal for 2019 is to expand Journey, SHAKE and Wildbury products to rest of EU market.

We also introduced several new recipe mixes and we plan to release several more until the end of the year.

Few images of our products…

Here are a few pictures of our products, from Journey to Wildbury line.

So…Do you like what you see?
Throw us a mail!


Address: 1. Gajnicki vidikovac 30
Post number: 10090
City: Zagreb
Country: Croatia, Europe
VAT ID:  HR14902895532
OIB/VAT number: 14902895532
Swift:  PBZGHR2X
IBAN: HR2323400091110774848
Bank: Privredna Banka Zagreb

Official mail address: [email protected]
Official web store: journey-liquids.com

CEO: Hrvoje Savor – [email protected] (385 91 44 777 00)
CEO: Viktor Huis – [email protected]

Company is registered at Commercial Court in Zagreb, MBS: 081016202, MB: 4505506, TT-16/3328-4
Fundamental capital: 20.000,00 kn paid in full, Company Director: Hrvoje Šavor

Only humans can solve this compicated math! + 23 = 31

The creation of the web site is co-funded with the assistance of the Operational Program “Competitiveness and Cohesion” of the European Regional Development Fund. Learn more >

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